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THE MINING RECORD NEWSPAPER – The Mining Record has been in continuous publication for 135 years and is recognized as the industry’s leading newspaper. The Mining Record has an international readership. It focuses on timely and credible news reporting on exploration, discovery, development, production, joint ventures, acquisitions, operating results, legislation, government reports and metals prices. Its readership is concentrated in the mining industry proper – mining companies, engineers, geologists, mine supervisory personnel, company officers and individuals engaged in exploration and large or small mine production. Every year, The Mining Record devotes an issue to the major conventions in the western U.S., Canada and Latin America. The newspaper is available monthly (print media) or daily (online). 


THE LATIN AMERICA MINING RECORD NEWSPAPER – The Latin America Mining Record publication was created in 1994. It quickly became a staple in Latin America mining news coverage. Editorial on exploration, discovery, development, production, joint ventures, acquisitions, operating results and Latin American currencies. 

WESTERN MINING DIRECTORY FLASH-THUMB DRIVE – Mining Companies and Mines sections of the Western Mining Directory are available in interactive PDF format with direct links. These sections list over 230 mining companies, 180 mines and 360 projects and properties. Mining Companies alphabetical section contains corporate officers, addresses of corporate offices, regional offices, exploration offices and mines. Mine information includes names of managers, location, open pit, underground, type of recovery, product, operator, reserves, grade, mining rate and number of employees. The second section lists mining companies geographically. The third section lists mines alphabetically with complete mine information and the fourth section lists mines geographically with complete mine information. The drive contains a Contents file which enables you to reference each section. In addition there are no security settings, allowing you to copy and paste text into your word processing documents. You are therefore able to add your own information to the data found on the flash-thumb drive and customize the data base to fit your needs. The Directory is a great companion to the Western States Mines Map. The Directory covers gold, silver, platinum, copper, molybdenum and coal mines in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. ALSO Available on UNIVERSAL DUAL FLASH-THUMB DRIVE.

WESTERN STATES MINES MAP – This edition shows locations of over 130 gold, silver, platinum, copper, molybdenum and coal mines in the eleven western United States. For each mine, the Map lists the state and county, its reserve, grade, mine operator and whether it is underground or open pit. The Map is 26.75″ x 40″ in size and is printed in contrasting colors on enamel stock for increased legibility showing states, capitols and major highways. 

MINES OF SOUTH AMERICA MAP – This edition lists and shows locations of approximately 200 precious and base-metal mines and projects that are in operation, development, feasibility or construction. It identifies the owner and/or operator and states the current level of activity. The Map is 30″ x 36″ and is printed in contrasting colors on enamel stock for increased legibility. 

MEXICO PRECIOUS & BASE METALS MAP – This edition lists and locates over 200 operating underground and open pit mines, as well as development and exploration projects for precious and base metals. It identifies the owner, operator, product and status of activity for each property. The Map is 30″ x 42″ and printed in contrasting colors on enamel stock for increased legibility showing states, capitals and major highways. 

MINES OF AUSTRALIA MAP – The Australia Mines Map lists and locates 275 precious metals, base metals, uranium and coal mines that are in operation, under construction, development or undergoing feasibility. It identifies the mine’s owner, minerals produced, the current level of activity and whether the mine is surface or underground. The map is 30” x 42”, printed in contrasting colors for increased legibility, on enamel stock 

OPERATING MINES IN CANADA MAP – The map, Operating Mines in Canada, lists and locates 86 precious, base metals, uranium and coal mines that are in operation. It identifies the mine’s owner, mineral products produced and if it is a surface or underground operation. The map is 30” x 33”, printed in contrasting colors for increased legibility, on enamel stock. 

SOCIAL MEDIA AVENUES (FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN, ETC.): While our company does have registered accounts, our users security is top priority. Our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages are designed with no interaction allowed at this point. Consumer Protection Agency reported that scams on social media skyrocketed by 165 percent across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in 2022. And the number is likely to continue climbing as more cyber crooks see social as a fruitful target. Our users and clients security will not be compromised with these media outlets at this time. Our web security service for site provides our users information for the industry with peace of mind. is universal with complete availability through desktop, laptop and all mobile devices. It will remain our focal form for online media access to our users and clients. 

TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE “Always do more than is required of you.” – George Patton 

The Mining Record and associated companies continue to provide the highest quality products available. For 134 years the standard of excellence is the company’s cornerstone. All personnel uphold this standard day in, and day out. 

While awards and appreciations are an honor for our executives, it is the relationships that truly represent The Mining Record and the core foundation it has maintained since 1889. “The Voice Of The Mining Industry”. 

Over the years The Mining Record established itself as the most sought after publication for mining news and company advertising. The company has employed industry professionals, and students fresh out of mining schools to assist in their careers. Many of these fresh new faces are now executives in the industry. The Mining Record continues to be sought out for promoting and building the leading conferences. 

Recognition and Awards

The Mining Record Company – Howell International Enterprises, LLC 

Executive Mining Excellence Awards. Continued industry support & Leading industry products and services. 

Individual Executive Awards:
Decades Of Individual and Company Awards Received From Associations and Conferences. 

Noteworthy Executive Honors:
St. Barbara’s Award. Society of Mining Engineers and Colorado Mining Association.
Life Time Achievement Award Northwest Mining Association.
4 Educating Our Youth Awards. DCS (Douglas County Schools).
3 Commitment To Mining Awards. Phoenix Mine Presentation.
11 Company Excellence Awards. International Investment Conferences.
5 Conference Accelerator Awards. IIC Americas.
Denver Gold Group – Conference Creation Award
. . . . additional 

* 1889 Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce – Presented to Denver’s Daily Mining Newspaper

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