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Aggressive Step-out Holes At High-Grade Silver-Gold Mogollon Project

VANCOUVER – Summa Silver Corp. reported on the on-going drilling at the high-grade silver-gold Mogollon Project near Silver City, New Mexico. Four more holes have intersected the Queen Vein marked by intermittent to continuous quartz-carbonate veins and breccias over meters to tens of meters with local zones of silver-bearing sulfides. Drilling focused on expansion around the historic Consolidated Mine continues to intersect strong visible mineralization where MOG22-12 is a 100 m step-out, MOG23-13 is a 75m step-out, and MOG23-14 is a 150 m step-out from holes previously drilled. The mineralized zone remains open in multiple directions and now covers a strike length of 500m with some of the strongest visually mineralized holes intersected on the edges of the current drilling pattern. Core photos of the Queen Vein intersections from all fifteen holes drilled to date are available on the Company’s website here. Note that these photos are not intended to be representative of broader mineralization on the Mogollon Project. Drilling continues with three rigs in full operation until the end of February testing the Consolidated extension target over an area of 500m along strike by 350m up- and down-dip. Work is just beginning at the Mogollon Project with this first target representing only 1% of the total vein and structure strike length present at the project.

Galen McNamara, CEO, said, “Aggressive step-out drilling continues to cut broad zones of visually striking vein material often within several stacked horizons. We are now beginning to understand the potential of this first target but are nowhere near understanding the potential of the Mogollon Project as a whole. We are developing additional low-surface impact targets through extensive 3D geological modelling and look forward to sharing them in due course, along with assay results from the ongoing drill program.”

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